It's been a while since I posted something (last post was a month ago : o), but I haven't been doing nothing. Last Whitsun-weekend I went to opwekking (could be translated to 'revival', it's a Dutch festival) I went camping there. It was really awesome! unforutenately I have to wait a whole year until I can go there again
Maar goed, op het gebied van modelpaarden ben ik bezig geweest met twee bullyland paardjes. Ten eerste natuurlijk de Oldenburger. Hij is helemaal geprept/primerd en dus klaar om beschilderd te worden.
Anyway, to go back to the modelhorse hobby; I've been working on two bullyland horses. Firstly the Oldenburg horse of course. He's prepped/primered and ready to be painted.
I like this angle the most :)
I'm not completely sure what colour I should give him. I was thinking about a bay or dark bay, but chestnut might be nice too.
# option 1
Not my picture, source: |
# option 2
Also not my picture, |
# option 3
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Again not my picture, source: |
Hieronder kan je stemmen op je favoriet :)
Bellow you can vote for your favourite :)
Het andere bullyland paardje is bijna af, alleen nog de puntjes op i en dan is hij klaar. Hij is niet zo groot (iets kleiner dan breyer sm) en voor de mensen die het model niet kennen komt hier eerst een "before" foto.
The other bullyland horse is almost finished, he only needs the finishing toutch. He's not a very large horse (just a bit smaller than breyer sm). I added a "before" picture for the people who don't know the mould:
En dan nu mijn versie in roan:
And here's my roan version:
details |
Dit wordt waarschijnlijk het eerste model ooit dat ik ga verkopen...
This is probably the first model ever I'm going to sell...