!Sorry the pics didn't work, you should be able to see them now ;) !
Ik ben weer bezig geweest met mijn paard. Hieronder staan een aantal foto's van de onderlaag. Zoals je kan zien heeft hij ook manen :D. Het wordt een shabrak bond applaoosa en dus moet er nog wel wat gedaan worden.
I've been working on my horse again. Bellow you can see some pictures at the stage I painted the undercoat. As you can see, he now has mane :D. It's going to be an appaloosa blanket maybe a bit roan also.
I've been working on my horse again. Bellow you can see some pictures at the stage I painted the undercoat. As you can see, he now has mane :D. It's going to be an appaloosa blanket maybe a bit roan also.
I already did a bit of the blanket paint job so here's a little preview:
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