Another update on the Aardwolf. This time I'll add some text. I can gladly announce that he's really close to being finished. He's just missing his eyes. While sculpting I took some "On-the-workbench-photos". I hope you'll enjoy them.
On the picture above you can see I used a sewing tool for sculpting. I can highly recommend this one. With the pointy side you can easily make tiny details like hairs and with the small sphere you can make smooth details.
Hier zijn de oren bijna klaar. I moest eerst even controleren of de oren wel de goede maat hadden voordat ik ze vast ging maken.
Here the ears are finished. I had to check whenever they were the right size before I attach them.
En nu zitten ze vast :)
And now they're attached :)
Vergeleken met de Papo wolf
Compared to the Papo wolf
En vergeleken met zijn grote neef de T.M. Hyena
And compared to his big cousin Mr. T.M. Hyena
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